Nowadays it is not so expensive to get a car. However, what normally troubles the car owners is the time when you need to pay for your petrol, road tax, car insurance, servicing, repair etc. Many a times, we look at buying car as one simple grocery shopping. In fact, we need to think of the days ahead that we need to pay more to get our wheels going. Of course more expensive cars will need more costly maintenance.
On our bad days, our cars will somehow fell ‘sick’, may it be a minor or a life-threatening condition; we will need to send our cars to garage for repair. Many of us will have a ‘family physician’ for your own car. However, some of us do not, and sending cars to someone you do not know may result in paying super expensive bills.
Now, with, you can look for reliable mechanics near your area, with their respective ratings.
Behind WhoCanFixMyCar
This site is run by few very experience and senior people in the related field.
CEO: Ian. G
Sales and Marketing Director: Alistair. P
Sales Advisor: Sarah. T
Sales Advisor: Peter T
Sales Advisor: James P
To read more on them, please go to their Profile Page.
How it works?
4 simple steps:
- Post your jobs or request
- get quote from various mechanics from your area
- Hire them
- Ta-daa! Leave feedback!
Buyers get to communicate with desired mechanics via their secure messaging system.
This site is trustworthy and reliable in that customers get to leave feedback for their mechanics. This system helps to improve the overall performance of all the mechanics as they will need to work harder in order to fight with their competitors.
Services Available
Here are some listed services available for car owners. However there might be more requests in the future.
(Click to enlarge)
For Mechanics/Parts Suppliers
Wait, how about if you are a mechanic?
This is also an awesome site for you in which you can find jobs here, and give your customers a reasonable quote. So, if you are a mechanic, do not forget to ‘Like’ the page, and drop by often to check up on latest job requests.
Similarly for parts supplier, you can look for possible parts request through the site and deliver your goods if deal.
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